First (official) blog post! (Yippie!)

Hello! For those of you who don’t know, my name is Emile and for those of you who do know me, it’s pretty much given at this point that I only love three things in the world. That’s SPORTS, STUDIES and WRITING. I’m not so much good at sports unfortunately as I was not given the talent of a LeBron James or a Tom Brady (though I can say I’m the only one in my group of friends who can pass a football) but studies and writing are two things I’m quite decent about. 

This is my first blog post so it feels right to introduce myself first. I was born in a Wednesday, the year was 1998 and the month was April. April 22 to be exact. I’m the eldest of 3 siblings, all of ’em are residing in San Juan City and I’m the only one living here in Naga. I don’t get lonely though since I’m pretty much used to it by now. I love sports ever since I was a kid. My first love was basketball. I still remember how I got into the sport of basketball, it was the DVD’s that my uncle would always bring to the house and saw the heroics of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant on the screen and immediately I was hooked. I don’t know exactly how I gained so much knowledge about basketball and the NBA though, maybe it’s because of reading encyclopedia’s (I’ll always search the book “B” in the Book of Knowledge in the library when I was in Elementary just so I could read about basketball) or maybe it’s because of newspaper clippings or magazines and stuff, I just knew basketball is in my blood, not in the sense that I’m good at playing but in the sense that my life revolved around it. I also love American Football for some reason and Professional Wrestling. I get shit on by people and even by my friends for watching pro wrestling but I don’t care, I will eventually get on that issue later on but right now I would just like to get this out-of-the-way and start my blogging career (wtf??).

This “blog”, by the way, will cover most of my favorite stuff to talk about: basketball, football, pro wrestling but also sometimes when I feel like sharing personal thoughts about my “lovelife” (if there’s any) I’ll post it here.. (haha) That’s it for now, I hope this would just be the first of many. Cheers!


– Ambassador of Chill

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