Behind the Nicknames

Isn’t it nice when we all have names that is not exactly our name? Well, they’re called nicknames and over the years, I had nicknames as well (most of ’em are self-proclaimed). From “Emile”, “PE Shorts Guy”, “Mr. Transpondster” all the way to the name of this particular blog, “Ambassador of Chill”, these are some of the creative nicknames that I used over the years (I used to write these aliases on people’s test paper whenever I would check one instead of my real name). For each of ’em, there is a story, or a TV/Movie References, and on this chill Saturday evening, I’ll try to tell the story behind the nicknames.

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First (official) blog post! (Yippie!)

Hello! For those of you who don’t know, my name is Emile and for those of you who do know me, it’s pretty much given at this point that I only love three things in the world. That’s SPORTS, STUDIES and WRITING. I’m not so much good at sports unfortunately as I was not given the talent of a LeBron James or a Tom Brady (though I can say I’m the only one in my group of friends who can pass a football) but studies and writing are two things I’m quite decent about.  Continue reading “First (official) blog post! (Yippie!)”

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